Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions

What does ZuuKeeper do for my business?
Simply put, we’re a full-service programmatic advertising company built for results. ZuuKeeper consults, creates, and places your digital ad or brand message in front of more high-value prospects for far less money than any of our competitors can. And most importantly, we have the attribution and reporting to back it up. Think of ZuuKeeper as your one-stop shop for programmatic architecture and optimization. We do it all!
What does artificial intelligence (AI) do?
ZuuKeeper’s technology can employ artificial intelligence to speed up our programmatic digital marketing performance across a customer’s purchasing journey, providing correct attribution from the initial click to the final purchase. All of the performance data is fed back into the targeting process, resulting in a campaign that is always improving.
What type of client can ZuuKeeper most effectively help?
Any company (Brand, B2B, eCommerce, etc.) with a compelling product, service, or message that wants to identify, find, and engage a specific target audience or demographic in the most efficient way possible would be our ideal client. Our specialty is getting your brand or message in front of customers with high conversion potential.
It performs much better, like all advertising, with more rounded and diverse marketing campaigns. For example, we always recommend running a Search/PPC campaign with any type of advertising, especially programmatic, because your audience is being branded like never before, and if they don’t click the banner or video ad, they will do a search for you when they are ready, and you must be present at that time.
When can I expect to see results?
Within a few days of launch, our clients will see immediate key performance indicators (KPIs) such as increased online traffic, new users, leading conversions, and so on. Within the first 30 days, campaigns typically see an increase in ROAS, ROI, Cost-Per-Click, and Cost-Per-Conversion. However, depending on the vertical and sales funnel setup, it can take up to 90 days or more to see quantifiable results and the full capability and power of our advertising efforts.
We strongly encourage our clients to stay committed to their campaigns for at least the first three months, in order to achieve proven and sustainable results. The longer you stick with it, the stronger your brand will become. As a result, you are creating your own economy. Other clients or business items, such as their website structure or sales funnel, as well as other types of marketing, can all play an important role in your overall success.
Does ZuuKeeper require a contract?
Nope! We don’t bind our customers to a contract. Anyone can cancel at any moment by contacting us. However, bailing out too soon will jeopardize your initial investment and approach plan, therefore we advise clients to stick it out until they see great outcomes.
What is the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on ZuuKeeper?
p>We strictly adhere to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and have taken care to ensure that our clients and partners are informed of any changes to our policies.
Is there anything we should know about ADA compliance while using ZuuKeeper to display ads?
Here are some excellent practices for ad approvals and effective campaigns: Accessibility — Enabling keyboard navigation and utilizing contrasting colors helps disabled users.
Privacy/Terms – All networks require this to approve a site. Clients and consumers need to know exactly what data is gathered and how it is used. Privacy policies often look and sound alike. Accessibility — Enabling keyboard navigation and utilizing contrasting colors helps disabled users.
Here are a few: /terms-of-service/ https://www.zuukeepercom/terms-of-service /privacy-policy/ Sites/ Dedicated campaign domain — Create a different domain for each vendor. A lack of transparency and bad user experience results from being able to quickly track ad interaction. Users want to learn more about a product or company before filling out a form, which is difficult when a website has only one page and provides little information. Not to mention difficult to return to without bookmarking. New domains also cause issues when visitors want to return to a previously viewed site or page. Your main domain can access the new domain. Can the new domain access the main client domain?
Is ZuuKeeper bound by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)?
We do not need an NDA for the majority of accounts and campaigns unless it is absolutely necessary, however we have one accessible or may sign an existing one upon request. Our clients’ confidentiality is protected to the fullest extent possible, and unless otherwise specified, no other users or non-users will know who is using the ZuuKeeper platform.
How does the removal of cookies by Google and others effect ZuuKeeper?
In a nutshell, it does not. ZuuKeeper and our platform have always taken a flexible and diverse approach to all advertising initiatives, and as a result, we’ve never relied just on cookies for targeting success.
Reporting / Attribution
When will I be able to access my ZuuKeeper Dashboard?
When the campaign goes live, the ZuuKeeper Dashboard will be available at via the client dashboard sign-in with your assigned username and password login. If you no longer have this information, please get in touch with the ZuuCrew.
I can’t find my way around the Dashboard. Can someone show me how to use it?
No problem! Feel free to contact the ZuuCrew for assistance or check out our interactive dashboard sample here:
In Google Analytics, how do I view ZuuKeeper’s traffic?
Go to Google Analytics and make sure you’re looking at the correct property with no filters on to see ZuuKeeper’s traffic (unfiltered view if available). Once there:
- On the left side of the window click ‘ACQUISITION’
- On the left side of the window click ‘ALL TRAFFIC’
- On the left side of the window click ‘SOURCE/ MEDIUM’
- In the search bar in the middle right side of the page type ‘zuukeeper’
I’m observing that ZuuKeeper’s traffic occasionally has a low time on site, a high bounce rate, and a low conversion rate in Google Analytics. Why is this the case?
Because of the way we communicate with the user, this is very common for time on-site results for programmatic ads. When we engage them, the bulk of the users are busy researching, browsing, or digesting information online, and when they click on the ad, they may look at the site for a brief time, but then bounce or leave the tab open and return to the information they were initially digesting. This user will typically return to the dealer or client site after digesting their first content and may convert later during that session. However, Google Analytics has already recorded that as a bounce, and the new session will be classified as direct or organic. This is why we developed our strong attribution software, so that we can track that person after their initial session.
**IMPORTANT NOTE: Customers will interact with you when and how they want. ZuuKeeper’s job is to sway their decision.
We’ve offered this to help explain things further.
Snapshot displaying a single user’s IP address path to conversion for a hypothetical auto dealership customer As you can see, the user went to the Tacoma page and then exited the site within 50 seconds of clicking on the ad for the first time. Depending on whether they took a secondary action, this would have registered as a low time-on-site and a bounced session in Google Analytics. However, after being offered numerous additional impressions, that same user returned to the site six days later and converted. This demonstrates how there is more to the story than simply the first click and why attribution is so important in digital marketing.**
Please explain what the First, Last, First and Last, and Supporting conversions are.
First Interaction Conversion = A conversion by a new visitor who bounced but converted later as a result of a ZuuKeeper ad interaction.
Last Interaction Conversion = A previous visitor who left the website and returned as a consequence of a ZuuKeeper ad click..
First and Last Interaction Conversion = A mix of first and last. A conversion by a new visitor who converted right away as a result of a ZuuKeeper interaction, or who left the website and then returned and converted as a result of a ZuuKeeper ad click.
Supporting Interaction Conversion = A conversion by a former visitor who bounced but converted later as a result of a ZuuKeeper ad interaction.
I’m still unclear about the type conversion; could you elaborate?
In the industry, first and supporting conversions are referred to as view-through conversions, whereas last and first and last are referred to as click-through conversions.
What is DNI, also known as Dynamic (Phone) Number Insertion?
All phone calls influenced by our programmatic campaigns are now easier to see (and hear!) than ever before. You’ll be able to track phone calls influenced by your programmatic campaign all the way back to the first impression using ZuuKeeper’s platform’s Dynamic Number Insertion technologies!
Campaign specific
How many impressions will ZuuKeeper serve on a prospective buyer before they convert?
As many as needed! We go through as much data as necessary to locate and convert your intended consumers. There is no channel that is too little or a consumer who is too difficult to reach. Due to the fact that you are not paying for impressions (CPM), but simply for actions, we have greater room along the sales funnel to locate those possible conversion targets. ZuuKeeper will continue to work in the background until you notice results.
When is it OK to begin drawing conclusions or determining split test winners in my campaign?
When launching a campaign, keep in mind that obtaining significant market penetration and repetition takes time. In typically, it takes a person 28+ brand engagements before they feel comfortable enough to engage with your brand, and as you can guess, that doesn’t happen overnight. As a result, ZuuKeeper advises against committing to any campaign for fewer than 90 days. To answer the question, it’s fine to start looking at the data at a high level a few weeks in and then on a frequent basis after that.
Account servicing
How Does the Onboarding Process Work?
It’s a snap! The ZuuCrew team will guide you through the entire process. The first stage is the “Create to Engage” phase which consists of identifying your ideal audience, constructing your campaign architecture, and designing your creative assets. The second stage is the “Launch & Optimize” phase where we launch your campaign across all networks and devices followed by ongoing real-time optimization
How do I modify my campaign?
If you desire to make modifications, please contact the ZuuCrew. They can be reached at – We are ready and willing to help!
If I have any questions, who should I contact?
You’ll have a specialized team (the ZuuCrew) accessible to assist you with any questions you may have by email, text, or phone. Their contact information will be included in your proposal(s) and any subsequent emails. You can always reach us via email at
Zuukeper's programmatic platform
Why would someone choose to use ZuuKeeper over Google?
It’s a great question. To explain, they can use Google which provides access to a significant number of impressions. And this may be the correct decision for some. However, these are the reasons why many have chosen to go a different direction::
Our technology at ZuuKeeper connects to all networks and DSPs, allowing our customers to access all available impressions and reach their target audience across every network, device, website, app, and more!
Unlike Google, we do not own any of those impressions, and therefore have an emphasis on performance rather than profit.
Google, like many other networks, has access to a significant portion of available impressions, but this access is often through brokers, and each broker must earn a fee, resulting in less money going to real advertising. ZuuKeeper connects to so many networks, exchanges, and DSPs in order to foster competition among the many routes via which we may obtain those impressions, thus driving down prices. Each of these channels will have negotiated unique agreements, and not all of these agreements will be equivalent. Not to mention that in a real-time bidding (RTB) ecosystem, price variations are caused by supply and demand within each channel. This is why it is essential to “have a toe in all rivers,” as we like to say, in order to reallocate resources and concentrate on the most cost-effective and direct paths feasible in order to optimize return on ad spend (ROAS). This is what enables us to outperform our rivals by 2X to 5X.
Working with ZuuKeeper is simple. Our platform partner has spent several million dollars on R&D and over a decade refining the technology and strategy to create an ad distribution technique that is unmatched in performance. Entrusting your ad budget to ZuuKeeper will result in your increased profit as a result of our investment, expertise, and cutting-edge reporting..
Brand Safety & Measurement & Validation
What steps does ZuuKeeper take to verify ad traffic and prevent bot traffic?
ZuuKeeper’s platform partner has gone even farther, developing a three-layered measurement and validation screening process to guarantee that only secure, trustworthy, and high-quality websites host the advertisements displayed.
The three-tiered validation and protection procedure employs several levels of safeguards to guarantee brand safety and to defend against ad fraud, botnets, low-quality traffic, and dangerous websites.
First, we use our platform partner’s proprietary AI technology as a filter to guard against anything that seems to be out of the ordinary. They then add the extra security precaution of human supervision.
Second, it is filtered via integrated third-party validation sources such as DoubleVerify, Comscore, Nielsen, and others through our platform partner. p>Third, our platform partner employs Zvelo, a critical validation partner, to monitor the first two layers, or “police the police,” to ensure that all traffic that ends up on the advertisers’ sites is human, and to continuously feed data to our ad networks to blacklist and potential threat in real-time.
But hold on. That isn’t everything. ZuuKeeper’s platform partner is also an active and certified member of The Trustworthy Accountability Group, which adds an extra layer of protection (TAG). TAG is a cross-sector accountability initiative aiming at establishing a secure network system comprised of digital supply chain contributors and ad tech businesses united in their resolve to eradicate fraudulent behavior in the digital ad tech industry.
ZuuKeeper’s platform partner goes above and above with a three-layered validation and filtering process, acute human supervision to monitor AI choices, and the full armor of a TAG-certified fraud protection team. We’re on a collision course with complete brand safety in a trustworthy digital marketplace.
Is it possible to specify which kind of websites I don’t want my advertisements to display on?
You certainly can. Here’s a list that’s always growing and being updated with new sites. Please note that many of these are disabled by default to protect the brand we represent.
This is only a example of many possibilities; you may think of others as well:3-D Graphics, 7-12 Education, A.D.D., A.I. & M.I., Abortion, Abortion Pro Choice, Abortion Pro Life, Accessories, Accounting, Ad Fraud, Adoption, Adult, Adult Education, Adventure Travel, Advocacy Groups & Trade Associations, Africa, Aggressive, Aggressive – Other, Agriculture, AIDS/HIV, Air Travel, All Audiences, Allergies, Alternative Medicine, Alternative Religions, American Cuisine, Anatomy, Animation, Anonymizer, Antivirus Software, Apartments, API’s, Appliances, Aquariums, Architects, Art History, Art/Technology, Arthritis, Arts, Arts & Crafts, Arts – Other, Asthma, Astrology & Horoscopes, Atheism & Agnosticism, Auctions & Marketplaces, Australia & New Zealand, Autism/PDD, Auto Parts, Auto Racing, Auto Repair, Automotive, Automotive – Other, Babies and Toddlers, Banking, Barbecues & Grilling, Baseball, Beadwork, Beauty, Bed & Breakfast, Beginning Investing, Bicycling, Biology, Biotechnology, Bipolar Disorder, Birds, Birdwatching, Blockchain, Board Games/Puzzles, Body Art, Bodybuilding, Botany, Botnet, Boxing, Brain Tumor, Buddhism, Budget Travel, Business, Business – Other, Business Software, Business Travel, Buying/Selling Cars, Buying/Selling Homes, By US Locale, C/C++, Cajun/Creole, Cameras & Camcorders, Camping, Canada, Cancer, Candle & Soap Making, Canoeing/Kayaking, Car Culture, Card Games, Career Advice, Career Planning, Careers, Careers – Other, Caribbean, Cartoons & Anime, Catalogs, Catholicism, Cats, Certified Pre-Owned, Chat, Cheerleading, Chemistry, Chess, Child Abuse Images, Child Inappropriate, Children’s Health, Chinese Cuisine, Cholesterol, Christianity, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Cigars, Climbing, Clothing, Cocktails/Beer, Coffee/Tea, Cold & Flu, Collecting, College, College Administration, College Life, Comic Books, Command and Control Centers, Commentary, Community Forums, Compromised & Links To Malware, Computer Certification, Computer Networking, Computer Peripherals, Computer Reviews, Construction, Content Server, Contests & Surveys, Convertible, Cosmetic Surgery, Coupe, Coupons, Credit/Debt & Loans, Cricket, Criminal Activities, Criminal Activities – Other, Criminal Skills, Crossover, Cruises, Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency Mining, Cuisine-Specific, Databases, Dating & Relationships, Daycare/Pre School, Deafness, Dental Care, Depression, Dermatology, Desktop Publishing, Desktop Video, Desserts & Baking, Diabetes, Diesel, Dining Out, Disorders, Distance Learning, Divorce Support, Dogs, Drawing/Sketching, Dynamic, Eastern Europe, Education, Education – Other, Educational Institutions, Educational Materials & Studies, Eldercare, Electric Vehicle, Engines, English as a 2nd Language, Entertaining, Entertainment, Entertainment – Other, Entertainment News & Celebrity Sites, Entertainment Venues & Events, Environmental Safety, Epilepsy, Ethnic Specific, Europe, Everyone over 12, Exercise, Fake News, Family & Parenting, Family & Parenting – Other, Family Internet, Fashion, Fashion, Fashion – Other, Figure Skating, File Repositories, Finance, Finance – Other, Financial Aid, Financial News, Financial Planning, Fine Art, Fly Fishing, Food & Drink, Food & Drink – Other, Food Allergies, Football, Forestry, France, Freelance Writing, French Cuisine, Freshwater Fishing, Gambling, Game & Fish, Games, Gardening, Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual, Genealogy, Geography, Geology, GERD/Acid Reflux, Getting Published, Golf, Government, Government Sponsored, Graduate School, Graphics Software, Greece, Green Solutions & Conservation, Guitar, Hacking, Hatchback, Hate Speech, Headaches/Migraines, Health, Health – Other, Health/Lowfat Cooking, Heart Disease, Hedge Fund, Herbs for Health, Hinduism, Hobbies & Interests, Hobbies & Interests – Other, Holistic Healing, Home & Garden, Home & Garden – Other, Home & Office Furnishings, Home Recording, Home Repair, Home Theater, Home Video/DVD, Homeschooling, Homework/Study Tips, Honeymoons/Getaways, Horse Racing, Horses, Hotels, Human Resources, Humor, Hybrid, IBS/Crohn’s Disease, Illegal Drugs, Image Search, Immigration, Incest/Abuse Support, Incontinence, Infertility, Information Security, Inline Skating, Instant Messenger, Insurance, Interior Decorating, International News, Internet of Things, Internet Phone & VOIP, Internet Technology, Investing, Investors & Patents, Islam, Italian Cuisine, Italy, Japan, Japanese Cuisine, Java, Javascript, Jewelry, Jewelry Making, Job Fairs, Job Search, Judaism, K-6 Educators, Kid’s Pages, Kids, Kids – Other, Landscaping, Language Learning, Large Animals, Latter-Day Saints, Legal Issues, Lifestyle, Lifestyle – Other, Lingerie, Suggestive & Pinup, Linux, Literature & Books, Local News, Login Screens, Luxury, Mac OS, Mac Support, Magazines, Magic & Illusion, Malicious, Malware Call-Home, Malware Distribution Point, Manufacturing, Marijuana, Marketing Services, Marriage, Martial Arts, Mature Audiences, Men’s Health, Metals, Mexican Cuisine, Mexico & Central America, Military, MiniVan, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous – Other, Mobile Phones, Motorcycles, Mountain Biking, Movies, MP3/MIDI, Music, Mutual Funds, NASCAR Racing, National News, National Parks, Navigation, Needlework, Net Conferencing, Net for Beginners, Network Security, News, Portal & Search, News, Portal & Search – Other, No Content Found, Nudity, Nursing, Nutrition & Diet, Occult, Off-Road Vehicles, Olympics, Online Ads, Online Ads – Other, Online Financial Tools & Quotes, Online Information Management, Online Shopping, Options, Orthopedics, Pagan/Wiccan, Paintball, Painting, Palmtops/PDAs, Panic/Anxiety, Paranormal Phenomena, Parenting – K-6 Kids, Parenting Teens, Parked & For Sale Domains, Parks, Rec Facilities & Gyms, Pay To Surf, PC Support, Pediatrics, Peer-to-Peer, Performance Vehicles, Personal Pages & Blogs, Personal Storage, Pets, Pets – Other, Pharmaceuticals, Philanthropic Organizations, Phishing/Fraud, Photo Sharing, Photography, Physical Security, Physical Therapy, Physics, Pickup, Piracy & Copyright Theft, Politics, Pornography, Portable, Portal Sites, Power & Motorcycles, Pregnancy, Private IP Address, Private School, Pro Basketball, Pro Ice Hockey, Product Reviews & Price Comparisons, Productivity, Profanity, Professional Networking, Psychology/Psychiatry, Public, Government & Law, Public, Government & Law – Other, R-Rated, Radio, Real Estate, Real Estate – Other, Redirect, Reference Materials & Maps, Religion, Religion – Other, Remodeling & Construction, Remote Access, Reptiles, Restricted, Resume Writing/Advice, Retirement Homes & Assisted Living, Retirement Planning, Road-Side Assistance, Rodeo, Roleplaying Games, Rugby, Running/Jogging, Sailing, Saltwater Fishing, Scholarships, School Cheating, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Science, Science – Other, Scrapbooking, Screenwriting, Scuba Diving, Search Engines, Sedan, Self Harm, Self-help & Addiction, Senior Health, Senior Living, Sex & Erotic, Sex Education, Sexuality, Shareware/Freeware, Shipping & Logistics, Shopping, Shopping – Other, Skateboarding, Skiing, Sleep Disorders, Smoking Cessation, Snowboarding, Social & Affiliation Organizations, Social Networking, South America, Space/Astronomy, Spam URLs, Spas, Special Education, Special Needs Kids, Sport Hunting, Sports, Sports – Other, Spyware & Questionable Software, Stamps & Coins, Stocks, Streaming & Downloadable Audio, Streaming & Downloadable Video, Studying Business, Supplements & Compounds, Surfing/Bodyboarding, Swimming, Swimsuits, Syndrome, Table Tennis/Ping-Pong, Tax Planning, Technology, Technology – Other, Teens, Telecommuting, Television, Tennis, Terrorism, Text Messaging & SMS, Theme Parks, Themes, Thyroid Disease, Tobacco, Torrent Repository, Toys, Translator, Travel, Travel – Other, Traveling with Kids, Trucks & Accessories, Tutoring, U.S. Government Resources, U.S. Military, United Kingdom, Unix, Unreachable, Utilities, Vegan, Vegetarian, Veterinary Medicine, Video & Computer Games, Vintage Cars, Violence, Visual Basic, Volleyball, Wagon, Walking, Waterski/Wakeboard, Weapons, Weather, Web Clip Art, Web Design/HTML, Web Hosting, ISP & Telco, Web-based Email, Web-based Greeting Cards, Weddings, Weight Loss, Wikis, Windows, Wine, Women’s Health, Woodworking, World Soccer
For more information on brand safety, check out our Measurement and Validation page.
What is Display?
Display ads include standard banner ads as well as rich media ads, native ads, and social media ads, allowing you to merge all of your online advertising into a single campaign that tracks your target across all networks and reaches all devices.
This programmatic display ad platform is not only the most targeted you’ll find, but it also takes a media-agnostic approach, bringing in all available DSPs (Mete DSP) and networks to reach your target audience anywhere and everywhere.
Display advertising is based on a CPC/CPE (cost per engagement) model, which means you only pay when your target audience sees and interacts (clicks) with your ad.
What are native ads, exactly?
Native ads are designed to fit the format of the material in the area where they appear, merging in seamlessly with the surrounding content. These highly-targeted native ads can generate strong results when placed inside trusted journalistic content or environments.
What exactly is programmable video, and why should I use it?
Programmatic video is programmatic advertising that has been enhanced by the incredible power of video.
Place your TV ads in front of the people who are most likely to purchase (with all of the same targeting options)
Only pay when someone interacts with your video, which means they view it for at least 30 seconds or click on it.
Through the use of a multi-screen campaign, achieve a 24 percent boost in brand recall.
Programmatic video is more efficient and quantifiable than conventional television, providing data on how long people view your video and how many people take action.
According to Pew Research Center, almost a quarter of Americans (24%) do not pay for television, and the number is increasing.
So, display or video first?
Most of the time, our answer is yes, start with display because we can reach far more people per dollar (while still ensuring highly targeted impressions) than any other medium. A targeted audience’s reach and frequency of impressions are critical components. There isn’t enough foundation to build a successful campaign without those two things.
Display provides the most impressions per dollar spent, allowing you to reach far more people, far more frequently. Once we’ve covered the display, we’ll look into adding video and other mediums. Especially since multi-screen advertising leads to rich-media engagement. But first and foremost, we must get your brand message in front of the right people, at the right times, and as frequently as possible.
Should I remove display after adding video?
Without the repetition provided by display, the other methods are likely to be forgotten, which is why we need that reinforcement. However, when display and video are merged, we get amazing results. For many of our customers, multi-screen campaigns result in a 24 percent increase in recall! Finally, we seek to include OTT (Over-The-Top) into your campaign mix, which is a very effective method to connect with additional audiences through yet another media, particularly cord cutters or cord shavers.
The more directions from which we may approach targeted viewers, the more assured and at ease those viewers will feel while conducting business with your brand. As a result, it is essential that we engage viewers through all of those channels whenever feasible..
Do I still need to run a pay-per-click campaign if I can obtain a cheaper cost-per-click via your display or video campaigns?
Absolutely. Along with your pay-per-click keywords, you should continue with everything that has been performing effectively and is paying off. However, ensure that you also have a strong, robust budget for branded keywords, since when we brand your audience with display and/or video, we want to ensure that when they do a search for you, your name is at the top. Even if you currently have an organic SEO strategy in place, we want to ensure your name appears there. That is just a recommended practice in order to maintain a healthy balance in your entire marketing efforts.
What is OTT+CTV?
OTT (Over The Top) – OTT refers to content delivered over the Internet from a video source to a connected device outside of the closed networks of telecom and cable providers. OTT offers access to streaming film and television material (commonly referred to as episodic content) that may be seen on any screen other than linear television. OTT is just a delivery route, or highway if you will, that allows access to display advertisements “Over The Top” of an ad that would normally be viewed when watching serial content.
CTV (Connected TV) – A CTV gadget simply enables video to be viewed on a TV set with an internet connection. This includes smart TVs, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV stick/box, gaming consoles (such as the PS4 and Xbox One), and many more devices.
When opposed to linear/traditional television, OTT+CTV enables you to adopt a much more focused and quantifiable approach. Because of our platform partner’s unique Attribution Tracking technology, ZuuKeeper’s many behavioral data relationships enable marketers to target their ideal consumers and see how effectively their campaigns work. The attribution system of our platform partner monitors visitors who complete a conversion on a client’s website after seeing an OTT+CTV ad.
What is programmatic audio?
Ads played on audio publishers such as Spotify, Pandora, Soundcloud, TuneIn, IHeartRadio, ESPN Radio, Podcasts, Adswizz, Triton, Rubicon, and others are referred to as programmatic audio.
You can reach your target audience everywhere they go using programmable audio! They can hear your ad no matter where they are listening to music, podcasts, news, or sports, whether they are exercising, commuting to work, resting at home, or anyplace else.
And, best of all, ZuuKeeper has attribution reporting to support this!
What exactly is retargeting/remarketing?
Retargeting is the practice of delivering ads to users who have previously visited the client’s website. It should be noted that there are many kinds of retargeting.:
- All Traffic -All users that have visited the website.
- Click Traffic -Only visitors who arrived at the site after clicking on an ad will be counted as click traffic.
- Rule-Based – Users who have accessed, or have not accessed, certain pages or products
What exactly is re-engagement, and how does it vary from retargeting?
Re-engagement is the practice of delivering digital ads to users who have previously received an impression from a campaign (on any specific channel).
For starters, if a person views a display ad but does not click on it or visit the website, we may re-engage them with a video ad.
Second, if a person views a CTV/OTT ad at home but does not have the opportunity to click for additional information, we can instantly re-engage them with a clickable display ad as a one-two punch by following up with a less costly but highly effective punch. The primary goal of re-engagement advertising is to re-serve a user who viewed a non-clickable ad with a clickable ad in order to get them to visit the website. As a result, the primary use of re-engagement is for OTT/CTV and audio. (Although some audio spots are clickable, they are often heard when listeners are at the gym or driving, preventing the user from glancing at their phone to execute the click.)
Third, when following up with a new message, re-engagement is an excellent tool. If a Frisco Toyota auto dealer offers a user a display ad advertising $1,000 off a 2021 Camry but the user does not click, Frisco Toyota may show the user another ‘re-engagement display ad with a different, possibly greater offer, such as $1,500 off a 2021 Camry and 0% financing.
How does programmatic video work?
The same as with display, we collaborate with and integrate with the majority of DSPs and networks accessible, and we deliver video advertising agnostically depending on where the user is, not where we anticipate they will be. In other words, if user X is simultaneously on,, and an iPhone app, we may have access to them on one of those sites through several networks. The algorithm then determines which site location and network is the most cost-effective, and the ad is placed appropriately. It may be on all three displays or just the one that is most efficient at the moment.
Clients only pay for video ad placement if the video is clicked on, watched till the end, or watched for at least 30 seconds. As a consequence, you do not pay for the impression until 30 seconds of the video is watched, resulting in a greater degree of branding.